What is NPR+?

What is NPR+?
NPR+ is a subscription service that lets you enjoy and support your favorite public media shows.
What are the benefits of NPR+?
Listen to your favorite shows hassle-free. All shows programs included in NPR+ offer sponsor-free listening, which removes breaks wherever possible. A select number of shows also offer bonus content.
How does this benefit Marfa Public Radio?
Marfa Public Radio cares that you listen, not where you listen. As we do over the radio, we’re interested in crafting a place on your phone to find your favorite shows as easily as possible.
Your NPR+ membership also supports Marfa Public Radio on every platform.
I already have a recurring donation to Marfa Public Radio. Do I get NPR+ podcasts automatically?
NPR+ isn’t yet available for those who have already donated to the station, unfortunately. It’s something NPR is working on.
What podcasts are currently available with NPR+?
Many of NPR's most popular podcasts are included, like Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!+, The NPR Politics Podcast+, Planet Money+, and old favorites, like Car Talk. See plus.npr.org for the (always growing) full list of shows.
Thank you for supporting your Marfa Public Radio and for considering NPR+!