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Edward R. Murrow Award Entry: Overall Excellence for 2014


Marfa Public Radio serves a large geographic area, from the border of Mexico to the Permian Basin. For parts of Far West Texas, it's the only region-wide, real-time, daily broadcast media.

Audio link above. Rundown for Overall Excellence award submission.

  1. Breaking news about Texas ranchers voting on a producer-funded research program
  2. A primer on what state troopers, sheriffs, and police can ask you on a traffic stop
  3. An interview on how Texas wildfires may get worse in the future
  4. An investigative report on a suspected Mennonite drug smuggler
  5. A newscast on Memorial Day commemorations
  6. A sound-rich collage of townspeople talking about the weather
  7. A feature report on what an upcoming federal ban may mean for border musicians
  8. A sports story on the launch of a new university football program
  9. Breaking news about mismanagement and corruption at city hall
  10. Continuing coverage on a federal drug raid on a West Texas hookah lounge
  11. Part of a series on the opportunities for solar energy in West Texas
  12. A newscast on what happened to a proposed ban on hydraulic fracking

Marfa Public Radio is devoted to local, original content and to public service; this is reflected on its  website, through election results, business news, critical updates on local crises, a daily talk show that spotlights the community, and just hanging out with neighbors.

Thank you for your consideration.